简介 | Biography

  • 柳洁修1999年出生于山东临沂
  • Jiexiu Liu was born in Linyi, Shandong in 1999
  • 2020年1月,任莫斯科国立苏里科夫美术学院学生会国际学生关系部部长
  • In January 2020, I served as the head of the Section for Relations with International Students in the Student Union of the Moscow State Academic Art institute named after V.I. Surikov of Russian Academic of Arts
  • 2020年1月,任莫斯科国立苏里科夫美术学院中国留学生会主席
  • In January 2020, I became the chairman of the Chinese Students’ Association of the Moscow State Academic Art institute named after V.I. Surikov of Russian Academic of Arts
  • 2020年3月,任俄中艺术家协会副会长
  • In March 2020, I served as the Vice President of the Russian-Chinese Artists Association
  • 2020年6月,作品《渔非鱼》获欧亚艺术联盟颁发的“圣彼得堡艺术创造力杯”金奖
  • In June 2020, my work “Fishing” won the gold prize at the “St. Petersburg Art Creativity Cup” Youth Group issued by the EURASIAN ART UNION
  • 2020年8月,作品《自画像》获世界艺术基金会颁发的“俄罗斯艺术创造力杯”肖像类第三名
  • In August 2020, my work “Self-portrait” won the third place in the portrait category of the “Russian Art Creativity Cup” issued by the WORLD FUND of ARTS
  • 2020年9月,作品《无信号 1939.09.01-1945.09.02》获中华人民共和国驻俄罗斯大使馆教育处、中国留俄学生总会及留俄艺术学会共同颁发的“庆祝反法西斯战争胜利75周年艺术作品展”三等奖
  • In September 2020, my work “No Signal 1939.09.01-1945.09.02” was jointly issued by the Department of Education of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Russian Federation, the Union of Chinese Students in Russia, and Union of Art Workers Educated in Russia “Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the Victory of the Anti-Fascist War Third Prize of Art Exhibition”
  • 2020年11月,作品《渔非鱼》获欧亚艺术联盟与世界艺术基金会颁发的“俄罗斯艺术周”二等奖
  • In November 2020, my work “Fishing” won the second prize at the “Russian Art Week” issued by the EURASIAN ART UNION and WORLD FUND of ARTS
  • 2020年11月,作品《东方乡村生活》获世界艺术基金会颁发的“露天写生大会”人与自然二等奖
  • In November 2020, my work “Oriental rural life”won the second prize of “beauty of Nature and architecture” in the human and nature genre awarded by World Art Foundations
  • 2021年3月,作品《无信号1939.09.01-1945.09.02》《渔非鱼》入选由莫斯科大学、中央美术学院、列宾美术学院以及苏里科夫美术学院共同举办的“中俄线上艺术作品交流展”
  • In March 2021, my work “No Signal 1939.09.01-1945.09.02” and “Fishing” was selected for the “China-Russia Online Art” jointly organized by Moscow State University, the Central Academy of Fine Arts, the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts named after Ilya Repin and the Moscow State Academic Art institute named after V.I. Surikov of Russian Academic of Arts Works Exchange Exhibition
  • 2021年3月,作品《渔非鱼》获亚洲美术协会(新加坡)颁发的“对抗新冠病毒·世界公益绘画大赛”成人组金奖
  • In March 2021,my work “Fishing” won the Gold Award in the adult category of the “Fight COVID-19 · World Charity Painting Competition” issued by the Asian Art Association (Singapore)
  • 2021年7月,作品《盲盒-1》入选由中华人民共和国驻俄罗斯大使馆教育处主办的“留俄学生庆祝建党100周年美术作品展”
  • In July 2021, my work “Blind Boxes-1” was selected for the “Art Exhibition of Students studying in Russia celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party” hosted by the Department of Education of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Russian Federation
  • 2021年11月,作品《钓》在全俄装饰艺术博物馆(莫斯科)展出并收藏
  • In November 2021, my work “Fishing” was exhibited and collected in the All-Russian Decorative Art Museum(Moscow)
  • 2022年3月,作品《钓》获欧亚艺术联盟与世界艺术基金会颁发的“俄罗斯艺术周”金奖
  • In March 2022, my work “Fishing” won the gold prize at the “Russian Art Week” issued by the EURASIAN ART UNION and WORLD FUND of ARTS
  • 2022年学士毕业于莫斯科国立苏里科夫美术学院
  • In 2022 I graduated from the Moscow State Academic Art institute named after V.I. Surikov of Russian Academic of Arts with a bachelor’s degree
  • 2022年10月,作品《冬》在俄罗斯国立“布尔加诺夫之家”博物馆(莫斯科)展出
  • In October 2022, my work “Winter” was exhibited in the Russian State “Bulganov House” Museum (Moscow)
  • 2022年11月,作品《盲盒-1》在俄罗斯文化博物馆(莫斯科)展出
  • In November 2022, my work “Blind Boxes-1” was exhibited in the Russian Museum of Culture (Moscow)
  • 2022年12月,作品《盲盒-1》获“艺术·完美·表彰”国际艺术大赛银质奖牌
  • In December 2022, my work “Blind boxes-1” won the silver medal in the “ART·PERFECTION·RECOGNITION” International competition in the field of arts
  • 2022年12 月,任国际当代艺术科学院 (IACA) 荣誉院士
  • In December 2022, I became an Honorary Fellow of the International Academy of Contemporary Arts (IACA)
  • 2024年4月,任莫斯科当代艺术博物馆策展助理
  • In April 2024, I served as an assistant curator at the Moscow Museum of Contemporary Art
  • 2024年5月,成为俄罗斯艺术家联盟会员
  • In May 2024, I became a member of the Russian Artists Union
  • 2024年6月,任中华人民共和国驻俄罗斯大使馆教育处直接领导下中国留俄学生总会文艺部部长
  • In June 2024, I served as the Head of the Cultural Affairs Department of the Chinese Students Association in Russia, under the direct leadership of the Education Office of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Russia
  • 2024年硕士毕业于莫斯科国立苏里科夫美术学院
  • In 2024, I graduated with a master’s degree from the V.I. Surikov of Russian Academic of Arts